Source code for climate_toolbox.transformations.transformations

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

from climate_toolbox.utils.utils import \
    remove_leap_days, convert_kelvin_to_celsius

[docs]def snyder_edd(tasmin, tasmax, threshold): r""" Snyder exceedance degree days/cooling degree days Similarly to Snyder HDDs, Snyder exceedance degree days for any given day are given by the integral between the sinosiod-interpolated temperature and the threshold. The closed form solution is given by: .. math:: EDD_{P} = \sum_{d \in P} EDD_d where .. math:: EED_d = \begin{cases} ( (M - e)(\pi /2 - \theta) + w \cos(\theta) ) / \pi, & \text{if } tmin_d < e < tmax_d \\ 0 , & \text{if } tmax_d < e \\ M - e, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} and .. math:: \begin{array}{rll} M & = & (tmax_d + tmin_d)/2 \\ w & = & (tmax_d-tmin_d)/2 \\ \theta & = & \arcsin( (e-M)/w ) \\ \end{array} Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Daily minimum temperature (degrees C) tasmax : xarray.DataArray Daily maximum temperature (degrees C) threshold : int, float, xarray.DataArray Threshold (degrees C) Returns ------- edd : xarray.DataArray Snyder exceedance degree days (degreedays) """ # Check for unit agreement assert tasmin.units == tasmax.units # check to make sure tasmax > tasmin everywhere assert not (tasmax < tasmin).any(), "values encountered where tasmin > tasmax" # compute useful quantities for use in the transformation snyder_mean = ((tasmax + tasmin)/2) snyder_width = ((tasmax - tasmin)/2) snyder_theta = xr.ufuncs.arcsin((threshold - snyder_mean)/snyder_width) # the trasnformation is computed using numpy arrays, taking advantage of # numpy's second where clause. Note that in the current dev build of # xarray, xr.where allows this functionality. As soon as this goes live, # this block can be replaced with xarray res = xr.where( tasmin < threshold, xr.where( tasmax > threshold, ((snyder_mean - threshold) * (np.pi/2 - snyder_theta) + (snyder_width * np.cos(snyder_theta))) / np.pi, 0), snyder_mean - threshold) res.attrs['units'] = ( 'degreedays_{}{}'.format(threshold, tasmax.attrs['units'])) return res
[docs]def snyder_gdd(tasmin, tasmax, threshold_low, threshold_high): r""" Snyder growing degree days Growing degree days are the difference between EDD measures at two thresholds. .. math:: {GDD}_{T_{low}, T_{high}, y, i} = {EDD}_{T_{low}, y, i} - {EDD}_{T_{high}, y, i} Note that where :math:`tas_{d,i}>{T_{high}}`, GDD will be a constant value :math:`T_{high}-T_{low}`. Thus, this measure is only useful when another measure, e.g. :math:`{EDD}_{T_{high}}`, sometimes referred to as *killing degree days*, is used as an additional predictor. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Daily minimum temperature (degrees C) tasmax : xarray.DataArray Daily maximum temperature (degrees C) threshold_low : int, float, xarray.DataArray Lower threshold (degrees C) threshold_high : int, float, xarray.DataArray Upper threshold (degrees C) Returns ------- gdd : xarray.DataArray Snyder growing degree days (degreedays) """ # Check for unit agreement assert tasmin.units == tasmax.units res = ( snyder_edd(tasmin, tasmax, threshold_low) - snyder_edd(tasmin, tasmax, threshold_high)) res.attrs['units'] = ( 'degreedays_{}-{}{}'.format(threshold_low, threshold_high, tasmax.attrs['units'])) return res
[docs]def validate_edd_snyder_agriculture(ds, thresholds): msg_null = 'hierid dims do not match 24378' assert ds.hierid.shape == (24378,), msg_null for threshold in thresholds: assert threshold in list(ds.refTemp) return
[docs]def tas_poly(ds, power, varname): """ Daily average temperature (degrees C), raised to a power Leap years are removed before counting days (uses a 365 day calendar). """ powername = ordinal(power) description = (''' Daily average temperature (degrees C){raised} Leap years are removed before counting days (uses a 365 day calendar). '''.format( raised='' if power == 1 else ( ' raised to the {powername} power' .format(powername=powername)))).strip() ds1 = xr.Dataset() # remove leap years ds = remove_leap_days(ds) # do transformation ds1[varname] = (ds.tas - 273.15)**power # Replace datetime64[ns] 'time' with YYYYDDD int 'day' if ds.dims['time'] > 365: raise ValueError ds1.coords['day'] = ds['time.year']*1000 + np.arange(1, len(ds.time)+1) ds1 = ds1.swap_dims({'time': 'day'}) ds1 = ds1.drop('time') ds1 = ds1.rename({'day': 'time'}) # document variable ds1[varname].attrs['units'] = ( 'C^{}'.format(power) if power > 1 else 'C') ds1[varname].attrs['long_title'] = description.splitlines()[0] ds1[varname].attrs['description'] = description ds1[varname].attrs['variable'] = varname return ds1
[docs]def ordinal(n): """ Converts numbers into ordinal strings """ return ( "%d%s" % (n, "tsnrhtdd"[(n // 10 % 10 != 1) * (n % 10 < 4) * n % 10::4]))